"Fitted with a Regulator.
A wire (green) connects to the handlebar switch on the left. The other wire (purple) connects to the regulator contact.
Note; Certain vehicles are equipped with an external ignition coil"
Oh, come on Manurhin! get it together! you cant simply dismiss the safety switch and HT coil just like that! Where are the details??
Frustrated, it is starting to dawn on me that my engine still isn't complete. As I began to calm down I went in search of more information
The french for "ignition coil" is "bobine d'allumage" and a quick google search bought up someone selling a Morel primary ignition coil for the Manurhin for 70 euros, but no specific details of an appropriate coil for my scooter.
Although I dont think it helps me immediately with the sourcing of a coil, I thought this Manurhin specific conversation about ignition systems might be a useful read in the near future. Its a great example of a small bunch of enthusiasts working together to solve a technical problem. I was especially delighted to read toward the end of the discussion an expression that only a French scooter rider would have the balls and style to say;
"Une fois de plus la ruse et l'intelligence ont triomphĂ© de la force et de la bĂȘtise!!!"
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